We hope you find all the information here helpful. This site will provide some details about us, some of the work we’ve done, and how to get in touch with us. We keep this site basic to speed loading.
•We offer programming assistance to those who have project needs and maintain confidently private to protect your ideas.
•From Custom Web programming to Applications used on the Desktop to Hardware ideas.
•Collection of data to assist the small to medium company with all of their need.
•Hardware & Software solutions
•Easy payment plans.
The fastest way to connect to you to the world at an affordable rate is to explore options with us. We have programmers that have skills in the following areas:
APPLICATIONS: C,C++/Visual C++, SQL 7 & 2000, Install Shield, HTML, VB Script, JavaScript, ASP, HTML, Visual Basic, Visual Interdev, Macromedia UltraDev, Macromedia Flash & Director, Microsoft Office , Cisco Works, Netware , Peachtree Accounting, Adobe Photo Shop, Adobe Acrobat, NuMega Softice, URSoftware W32Dasm, Borland Delphi, PHP and others.
OPERATING SYSTEMS: HP-UX, DOS, MS Windows 95/98/NT/ME/2000/XP/VISTA/Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, MS NT SNA Server, MS Small Business Server, Free-BSD, Cisco routers, Learning Linux.